Thursday, January 31, 2008

You need a bigger boat

We talked about the "Vacation" on the air today and a listener sent me this picture. YIKES! And, I Snopesed's true!

We leave for the airport this afternoon!

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chris here ... chiming in!

I know Cabo is not the "far side of the world," but you have to realize this is the first real vacation that's just "us." No in-laws (we love you all!), no mad rush to Grandma's for a long weekend, no schedule ... no plans that don't include sunshine, the sea, sand or an open bar!

I checked--the sun comes up every morning at 6 a.m. (yes, even in Mexico). I'll be on the beach at 5:45 a.m. each day, fly rod in hand, hoping to catch some tropical critter on a home-tied Clouser. The MP3 player is loaded with Buffett, and it'll be good to work out the rust in my fly cast under bright blue Mexican skies. By the time the family is up and and at 'em, I'll be back at the condo and ready for family fun in the pool or at the beach or wherever the day takes us. Lost sleep? That's what the daily siesta is for, right?

We're going to have a great time, from the moment the wheels of the plane leave the ground until touchdown in Boise on Feb. 8.

So, stay tuned to the blog ... We'll update it as often as we can, and we'll squeeze as much fun into it as possible! So... Look out, Mexico... the Gringos are coming!

The Countdown Begins

We are so excited! We fly out early Friday morning with a short layover at LAX. Chris says we should be on the beach by 2:00 p.m.

We have our passports, our new bathing suits, and little scratch that. We have packed our camera, video camera, and a laptop so we can keep a little blog of the fun as it happens. We'll have to find time in our busy schedule of whale watching, fly fishing, snorkeling, riding the wave runners, and taking the sea kayaks out, to sit down and share the fun.

As much as we love winter we are looking forward to some sun and sand for a week. The children have both been sick for a week. Chris got T-boned in the truck driving through an intersection in town by a woman who ran a red light. The temperature is dropping even lower, and there is more snow in the forecast. A switch from snowmen to sandcastles will do us all good.

So if you want a real postcard or a big bottle of vanilla, just drop us a note here and we'll see if we can "smuggle" some of the fun home to you.

We'll be checking in...

("Oh Honey...don't forget to pack the sunscreen!")